Thursday, October 1, 2009


As the title indicates, this blog is a push against the modern philosophies and worldviews of today which contradict Biblical doctrines.
A little background on us: we’re Christian home-schooled seniors. So, as a given, our writing will be slanted from that angle. We will not, however, slant things to the point of distortion or flat bias without facts to back our viewpoints.
That's pretty much the blog in a nutshell. Thanks for reading!


Monica T. said...

Sweetness, this is a great idea. Discussing these things here can then equip us (to a degree) for answering such questions posed to us in real life :D :D


Isis said...

This is awesome! Have you read ReThinking Worldview by J. Mark Bertrand.? I went to a camp this summer called Worldview Academy( and he was a speaker there. They have some really good resources that would pertain to what this blog is pushing... you should check it out.

Drew said...

Good idea, i think this will be fun!

Elizabeth Kelley said...

I have not read it, although I know other people who also went to WVA. I might see if they have it so I can read it at some point. Thanks.

Amy C. said...

I can't wait to see what you guys write. :)